My official digital garden, curated and nurtured on my favorite knowledge-management-notes-human-mind tool ever. LogSeq is so money. I also use Roam. And Obsidian. And Dendron.
I use all the tools baby.
There is a lot of awesome stuff in there - I’d recommend this option if you want a fun learning experience. I wouldn’t be surprised if I read more than any other human on this planet.
Do all three in one! Go to the community, introduce yourself, ask a question and then contribute your public note set and we’ll feature it on our community knowledge page! Many LogSeq minds makes great LogSeq Minds.
Please note that any hate, racial, discrimintory language and behavior will absolutely not be tolerated. I have no patience for this and will just immediately ban hammer you. Love is the most powerful force in our planet - if you feel like you need to be that way, try love out for a while. It will make you feel like a better person - I promise.
I have a few ways that you can help me out financially - it is much needed and much appreciated. The more fuel to the fire, the brighter its flames rise! Donations can be made at the following: